Jackie Busse, MD is a board-certified pediatrician with expertise in evidence-based lifestyle and preventive medicine. She focuses on the power of whole-food plant-based nutrition to prevent and reverse disease.
Dr. Busse grew up in Wisconsin, the granddaughter of a dairy farmer, eating the standard American diet rich in dairy products, meats and refined grains.
In 2010, she received a copy of The China Study from a friend. After reading 50 pages, she and her husband put down the book and immediately cleaned out their kitchen. Since their plant-based overhaul, Dr. Busse and her husband have experienced many health benefits first hand - weight loss, improved sleep and energy, clear skin, dramatically reduced seasonal allergies and complete resolution of decades of heartburn and high blood pressure. Dr. Busse has since gone through two plant-based pregnancies and is raising her own kids on a whole-food, plant-based diet.
In addition to her full-time pediatric practice in central California, she teaches a regular plant-based nutrition class.